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Nursery for the Earth

Erigeron strigosus (Fr: vergerette rude | En: Prairie fleabane)

Regular price $12.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $12.00 CAD


Prairie fleabane or Daisy fleabane is a wonderful perennial for dry sunny areas and a perfect plant for dry prairie plantings. It is quite a thin plant that seems to play very well with others, as it rarely is able to crowd out other plants. 

It's white flowers attract a large diversity of native bees. Each plant can sport 200 or so flowers so be prepared for a lot of visiting pollinators.

Flowering: June to September

Height: 30 cm- 1 m

Habitat:  rock barrens, sand dunes, prairies

Sun requirements: full sun

Moisture requirements: dry to moderate

Soil requirements: various soil types